Assertions no Pharo Smalltalk


Require, ensure e invariant

Bertrand Meyer introduziu Design By Contract em seu livro Object-Oriented Software Construction, sobre Engenharia de Software, exemplificado na sua linguagem e ambiente de programação Eiffel. As assertivas que implementaremos serão requireensure e invariant. A assertiva em require deverá ser satisfeita antes da execução do método ao qual ela se aplica e representa uma pré-condição. A assertiva em ensure deverá ser satisfeita após a execução do método, é uma pós-condição. A assertiva em invariant deve ser verdadeira antes e depois da execução do método.

As assertivas tanto podem ser inseridas manualmente como através de instrumentação.


O “framework” Assertions é uma tentativa simples de incorporar Design By Contract de forma manual (sem instrumentação usando meta-programação) nos meus projetos. Ele não vai muito além do que você poderia fazer com a mensagem assert:. Acrescenta um controle do nível de assertivas aplicadas e documenta através de nomes mais especializados o que cada assertiva representa.

Numa segunda etapa foi introduzida a instrumentação que permite o uso de pragmas em vez da inserção manual de assertivas. Os pragmas definem as assertivas que serão inseridas por meta-programação.


O exemplo abaixo ilustra o uso da assertiva require:.

    | answer |
    answer := 666.
    self require: [ answer = 42 ] 

O código acima lança o erro RequireViolation.

Require é usado como pré-condição. Veja o exemplo:

Account>>withdraw: anAmount

    self require: [ anAmount > 0 ].
    balance := balance - anAmount


Ensure representa uma pós-condição.

    | answer |
    answer := 666.
    self ensure: [ answer = 42 ]

O código acima lança o erro EnsureViolation.

Veja um exemplo de uso:

Account>>withdraw: anAmount

    self require: [ anAmount > 0 ].
    old_balance := balance.
    balance := balance - anAmount.
    self ensure: [ balance = (old_balance - anAmount) ]


Um invariant deve ser respeitado antes e depois do código.

    | answer |
    answer := 42.
    self invariant: [ answer = 42 ] for: [  
            answer := 666   

O exemplo abaixo ilustra melhor o seu uso:

Account>>withdraw: anAmount

    self require: [ anAmount > 0 ].
    old_balance := balance.
    self invariant: [ balance >= 0 ] for: [
        balance := balance - anAmount
    self ensure: [ balance = (old_balance - anAmount) ]

Os invariantes de classe são, comparados com os requires e ensures, as assertivas que seriam melhor aplicadas com uma instrumentação pois manualmente teriam que ser replicados em todos os métodos, exceto para os getters.

Only after invariant

A mensagem invariant:for: não é adequada para ser usada no método initialize. Os invariantes só podem começar a ser aplicados após toda a configuração que acontece durante a criação de um objeto. No método initialize a mensagem onlyAfterInvariant:for: é a adequada:

    self onlyAfterInvariant: [ balance >= 0 ] for: [
        balance := 0.

Vários invariantes envolvendo o código

    | answer |
    answer := 42.
    self invariants: {  
        [ answer isNotNil ].
        [ answer = 42 ].
    for: [  
        answer := 666

No exemplo acima as assertivas do invariante são aplicadas antes e depois da execução do código.

É importante que o array passado no primeiro parâmetro seja composto de blocos.

Assertion levels

As assertivas podem ser configuradas para os seguintes níveis:

  • none: nenhuma assertiva estará ativa.
  • require: somente as assertivas require podem lançar erros.
  • ensure: as assertivas require e ensure estão ativas.
  • invariant: os invariantes estão habilitados e também require e ensure
  • all: todos os casos anteriores estão habilitados. Equivale ao nível invariant.

Várias mensagens estabelecem os níveis em uso.

  • beRequireLevel
  • beEnsureLevel
  • beInvariantLevel
  • off
  • on que equivale a beRequireLevel (o nível default)
  • all

As mensagens acima podem ser enviadas à classe Assertions. O exemplo abaixo ilustra isso:

    | answer |
    answer := 666.
    Assertions beInvariantLevel.
    self should: [
        self invariant: [ answer = 42 ] for: [  
            answer := 42    
    raise: BeforeInvariantViolation 


A instrumentação foi implementada de forma simples alterando o código fonte para inserir as assertions e recompilando-o. O que vai em cada método é especificado com anotações (pragmas) nos métodos a serem instrumentados.


A classe Instrumenter é uma subclasse de Assertions e possui a capacidade de instrumentar, guiada pelos pragmas, métodos individuais, toda uma classe e todo um pacote (considerado com as tags).

Abaixo segue a lista de métodos de Instrumenter usados na instrumentação:

  • instrumentMethod: aCompiledMethod
  • instrumentInitializeMethodOfClass: aClass
  • instrumentClass: aClass
  • instrumentPackage: aCategory


Instrumenta determinado método. Não serve para instrumentação do método initialize.


Instrumenta o método initialize de uma determinada classe.


Instrumenta todos os métodos de uma determinada classe.


Instrumenta todas as classes de um determinado pacote. Se for especificada uma tag só instrumenta as classes desta tag.


Assertions instrumenter instrumentPackage: 'Assertions-Examples'

Somente as classes em Assertions-Examples e em Assertions-Examples-XXX serão instrumentadas.

Níveis de instrumentação

Os níveis de instrumentação são os mesmos que são usados ao inserir assertivas manualmente, mas semânticamente diferentes. Repetimos abaixo:

  • none: nenhuma assertiva será inserida.
  • require: somente as assertivas require serão inseridas.
  • ensure: as assertivas require e ensure serão inseridas.
  • invariant: os invariantes serão inseridos e também o serão require e ensure
  • all: todos os as assertivas serão inseridas. Equivale ao nível invariant.

O nível de instrumentação é independente do nível das assertivas. O nível das assertivas default para a instrumentação é all (todas habilitadas). O nível de instrumentação default é require (neste nível somente as assertivas require são inseridas).

Por exemplo: Podemos instrumentar no nível ensure e habilitar as assertivas no nível require. Como abaixo:

   Assertions beRequireLevel. "Nível para as assertivas".
   Assertions instrumenter beEnsureLevel. "Nível de instrumentação"

No exemplo acima serão inseridas no código as assertivas require e ensure, de acordo com os pragmas. No entanto somente as assertivas require estão habilitadas para lançar erros.

Desta forma você pode ajustar a habilitação das assertivas em lugar de gerar novamente as instrumentação. As vantagens de usar a instrumentação é que pode removê-la do código em produção e voltar a inserí-la no desenvolvimento e na depuração. A colocação de assertivas de forma manual inclui uma maior carga de gerenciamento manual. A instrumentação e posterior remoção também remove o possível impacto no desempenho. Usar assertivas anotadas com pragmas e remover a instrumentação na produção também implica em uma nova atitude em relação a evitar “programação defensiva” em prol de usar a ideia do “Design By Contract”.

Removendo a instrumentação de um método

aClass := BankAccount.
aSelector := #deposit:.
aCompiledMethod := aClass>>aSelector.
Assertions instrumenter restoreMethod: aCompiledMethod

A mensagem restoreMethod: restaura o método à sua versão anterior, sem a instrumentação.

Removendo a instrumentação de uma classe

aClass := BankAccount.
Assertions instrumenter restoreClass: BankAccount

A mensagem restoreClass: restaura os métodos de uma classe às suas versões anteriores, sem a instrumentação.

Removendo a instrumentação de um pacote

aPackage := 'Bank-Core'.
Assertions instrumenter restorePackage: aPackage

A mensagem restorePackage: restaura as classes de um pacote às suas versões anteriores, sem a instrumentação.

No exemplo acima as classes do pacote Bank com a tag Core serão restauradas. Serão restauradas também as classes em Bank-Core-XXX. Por exemplo, se houver classes em Bank-Core-Support elas serão restauradas também.

Edição de métodos instrumentados

Nos métodos instrumentados é inserido o pragma <instrumented>. No caso de se editar um método instrumentado para remover um bug deve-se lembrar que a edição será perdida quando o método for retaurado ao seu estado anterior sem a instrumentação. Uma forma de se evitar isto é remover manualmente o pragma <instrumented>. As instrumentações inseridas no meio do código podem ser removidas manualmente quando se achar que não se precisa mais delas para confinar o bug. Obviamente não se deve remover os pragmas requireensure e invariant que servirão para guiar instrumentações futuras.

Exemplo de instrumentação

Abaixo mostramos um exemplo de instrumentação baseado num do “testes” criados.

Antes da instrumentação

    <invariant: 'z = 42'>
    super initialize. 
    z := 42'

Os pragmas invariant:, que valem para toda a classe, são inseridos no método initialize.

methodWithAssertions: x
    <require: 'x > 0'>
    <ensure: 'y = (x + 1)'>
    | y |
    y := x + 1.
    z := 42.
    ^ y

Depois da instrumentação

    <invariant: 'z = 42'>
    super initialize.
    z := 42.
    self afterInvariant: [ z = 42 ].
methodWithAssertions: x
    <require: 'x > 0'>
    <ensure: 'y = (x + 1)'>
    | y |
    self require: [ x > 0 ].
    self beforeInvariant: [ z = 42 ].
    y := x + 1.
    z := 42.
    self afterInvariant: [ z = 42 ].
    self ensure: [ y = (x + 1) ].
    ^ y.

O pragma <set:to:>

Na instrumentação envolvendo o pragma ensure muitas vezes precisamos expressar essa assertiva de forma dependente do estado de uma variável antes da execução do código de um método. Para efetivar isto usamos o pragma <set:to:> para obter o valor da variável no ínicio do método. Veja o exemplo abaixo.

Antes da instrumentação

methodWithAssertions: x
    <set: #old_z to: 'z'>
    <ensure: 'z = (old_z + 1)'>
    | y |
    y := x + 1.
    z := z + 666.
    ^ y

Depois da instrumentação

methodWithAssertions: x
    <set: #old_z to: 'z'>
    <ensure: 'z = (old_z + 1)'>
    | y old_z |
    old_z := z.
    y := x + 1.
    z := z + 666.
    self ensure: [ z = (old_z + 1) ].
    ^ y.

Em alguns casos é necessária uma cópia profunda do objeto antes da execução de um método, como no exemplo abaixo:

sort: anArray
   <set: #previous to: 'anArray veryDeepCopy'>
   <ensure: 'anArray asSet = previous asSet'>
   <ensure: 'anArray isSorted'>
   "código para ordenação"

Excluindo métodos da intrumentação de invariantes

Alguns métodos que são auxiliares na implementação de outros métodos e não fazem parte da interface pública a ser usada pelo código cliente não precisam respeitar os invariantes de classe. Para excluí-los da instrumentação de invariantes há dois pragmas para isso: exclude: e excludes: que devem ir no método initialize. Veja os exemplos abaixo:

    <exclude: #foo>
    <exclude: #bar>
    <invariant: 'z = 42'>
    z := 42

No exemplo acima os métodos foo e bar não serão instrumentados com invariantes embora possam ser intrumentados de acordo com pragmas require e ensure que porventura existam.

    <excludes: #(foo bar)>
    <invariant: 'z = 42'>
    z := 42

O exemplo acima mostra uma forma mais condensada onde um array literal contém os seletores dos métodos a serem excluidos.

Herança de assertivas

Herança de assertivas através da instrumentação é o próximo passo para completar o sistema de assertivas e instrumentação nos moldes da linguagem Eiffel. Brevemente…

File out

Abaixo segue o file-out que você pode instalar na sua imagem usando o File Browser:

Error subclass: #AssertionViolation
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!

!AssertionViolation methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 12:04'!
setMessageTextFromBlock: aBlock 
	self messageText: aBlock sourceNode sourceCode! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

AssertionViolation class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!AssertionViolation class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 11:29'!
block: aBlock 
	^ self new setMessageTextFromBlock: aBlock ! !

Object subclass: #Assertions
	instanceVariableNames: 'level'
	classVariableNames: 'Default Levels'
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!
!Assertions commentStamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 15:09' prior: 0!
Minha única instância `Assertions default` controla os níveis das assertivas implementadas como uma extensão do pacote `Assertions` na classe `Object`.

Os níveis possíveis são:
- none 
- require 
- ensure 
- invariant 
- all

Os métodos em `Object` que implementam as assertivas são:
- afterInvariant: 		"Usado somente na instrumentação"
- beforeInvariant: 	"Usado somente na instrumentação"
- ensure:
- invariant:for:
- invariants:for:
- onlyAfterInvariant:
- require:

Mais detalhes sobre o uso de `Assertions` podem ser encontrados em [Assertions no Pharo Smalltalk](!

!Assertions methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 10:35'!
	super initialize.
	level := Levels indexOf: #require
	! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 11:02'!
	^ level >= (Levels indexOf: #ensure)! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 11:02'!
	^ level >= (Levels indexOf: #invariant)! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 10:37'!
	^ level >= (Levels indexOf: #require)! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:39'!
	level := Levels indexOf: #all! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:38'!
	level := Levels indexOf: #require! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:37'!
	level := Levels indexOf: #none! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:36'!
	level := Levels indexOf: #ensure! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:39'!
	level := Levels indexOf: #invariant! !

!Assertions methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:37'!
	level := Levels indexOf: #require! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Assertions class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:41'!
	self default all! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:41'!
	self default on! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 10:29'!
	^ Default ifNil: [ Default := Assertions new ]! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:36'!
	self default beEnsureLevel! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:40'!
	self default beInvariantLevel! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:40'!
	self default off! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:40'!
	self default beRequireLevel! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 11:05'!
	Levels := #(none require ensure invariant all).
	Default := nil.
	self inform: 'Initialized'! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:11'!
	^ self default isEnsureLevel ! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:12'!
	^ self default isInvariantLevel ! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:10'!
	^ self default isRequireLevel ! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 07:52'!
	^ Instrumenter new! !

!Assertions class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:56'!
instrumentMethod: aMethod 
	self default instrumentMethod: aMethod ! !

AssertionViolation subclass: #EnsureViolation
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!

Assertions subclass: #Instrumenter
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!
!Instrumenter commentStamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 15:14' prior: 0!
Minhas instâncias são capazes de instrumentar um código inserindo assertivas nos locais adequados conforme `pragmas` inseridos no código.

Mais detalhes sobre o uso de `Assertions` e `Instrumenter` podem ser encontrados em [Assertions no Pharo Smalltalk](!

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 13:47'!
putAfterInvariantAssertionsOfMeyhod: aMethod on: stream
	self isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	(self isExcludedMethod: aMethod) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
	self put: #after invariantAssertionsOfMethod: aMethod on: stream! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 11:47'!
putSourceCodeOfStatements: statements on: stream

	statements do: [ :statement | 
		stream nextPutAll: statement sourceCode.
		stream nextPut: $..
		stream crtab ]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:11'!
putEnsureAssertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream
	self isEnsureLevel ifFalse: [ ^self ].
	self put: #ensure: assertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 13:19'!
put: beforeOrAfter invariantAssertionsOfMethod: aMethod on: stream

	| invariantPragmas intializePragmas |
	(aMethod methodClass includesSelector: #initialize) ifTrue: [ 
		intializePragmas := (aMethod methodClass >> #initialize) pragmas.
		invariantPragmas := intializePragmas select: [ :pragma | 
			                    pragma selector = #invariant: ].
		invariantPragmas do: [ :pragma | 
			stream nextPutAll: ('self {1}Invariant: [ {2} ]' format: { 
						 pragma arguments first }).
			stream nextPut: $..
			stream crtab ] ]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 12:00'!
put: assertionSelector assertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream

	| requirePragmas |
	requirePragmas := pragmas select: [ :pragma | 
		                  pragma selector = assertionSelector ].
	requirePragmas do: [ :pragma | 
		stream nextPutAll: ('self {1} [ {2} ]' format: { 
					 pragma arguments first sourceCode withoutQuoting }).
		stream nextPut: $..
		stream crtab ]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 11:17'!
putSourceCodeOfPragmas: pragmas on: stream

	pragmas do: [ :pragma | 
		stream nextPutAll: pragma sourceCode.
			tab ].
	! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 09:18'!
signatureOf: aMethod

	^ (Message
		   selector: aMethod selector
		   arguments: aMethod argumentNames) asString
		  copyReplaceAll: '#'
		  with: ''! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:04'!
putTemporaryNamesOfAST: ast on: stream

	| temporaryNames setPragmaNodes setTemporaryNames |
	temporaryNames := ast temporaryNames.
	self isEnsureLevel ifTrue: [  
		setTemporaryNames := ast pragmas select: [ :pragmaNode | pragmaNode selector = #set:to: ]
									thenCollect: [ :pragmaNode | (pragmaNode argumentAt: #set:) value ].
		temporaryNames addAll: setTemporaryNames.
	temporaryNames ifNotEmpty: [ 
		stream nextPut: $|.
		stream space.
		temporaryNames do: [ :temporaryName | 
			stream nextPutAll: temporaryName.
			stream space ].
		stream nextPut: $|.
		stream crtab ]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 11:45'!
putReturnNodeFromStatements: statements on: stream

	| returnNode |
	returnNode := statements last.
	stream nextPutAll: returnNode sourceCode.
	stream nextPut: $..
	stream crtab! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 11:12'!
putSignatureOfMethod: aMethod on: stream

	| signature |
	signature := self signatureOf: aMethod.
	stream nextPutAll: signature.
		tab! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:03'!
putSetStatementsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream 
	self isEnsureLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	pragmas select: [ :pragma | pragma selector = #set:to: ] thenDo: [ :pragma | 
		stream nextPutAll: ('{1} := {2}' format: {
			(pragma argumentAt: #set:) value.
			(pragma argumentAt: #to:) value
		stream nextPut: $..
		stream crtab	
	].! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 10:59'!
putRequireAssertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream
	self isRequireLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	self put: #require: assertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting support' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 14:00'!
putBeforeInvariantAssertionsOfMethod: aMethod on: stream
	self isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^self ].
	(self isExcludedMethod: aMethod) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
	self put: #before invariantAssertionsOfMethod: aMethod on: stream! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 14:36'!
hasInitializeInClass: aClass 
	^ (aClass methods collect: #selector) includes:  #initialize! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 13:55'!
isExcludedMethod: aMethod 
	| excludedMethods |
	(self hasInitializeInClass: aMethod methodClass) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
	excludedMethods := (aMethod methodClass>>#initialize) pragmas 
		select: [ :pragma | #(exclude: excludes:) includes: pragma selector ] 
		thenCollect: [  :pragma | pragma arguments first ].
	^ excludedMethods flattened includes: aMethod selector! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 17:06'!
isInstrumentedMethod: aMethod 
	^ aMethod pragmas detect: [ :pragma | pragma selector = #instrumented ] ifFound: [ true ]  ifNone: [ false ]
! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 16:46'!
instrumentInitializeMethodOfClass: aClass

	| initializeMethod ast pragmas statements instrumentedSource |

	self isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].

	initializeMethod := aClass >> #initialize.
	ast := initializeMethod ast.
	self require: [ ast lastIsReturn not].
	instrumentedSource := String streamContents: [ :stream | 
		self putSignatureOfMethod: initializeMethod on: stream.
		pragmas := ast pragmas.
		self putSourceCodeOfPragmas: pragmas on: stream.
		self setAsInstrumentedOn: stream.
		self putTemporaryNamesOfAST: ast on: stream.
		statements := ast body statements.
		self putSourceCodeOfStatements: statements on: stream.
		self putAfterInvariantAssertionsOfMeyhod: initializeMethod on: stream
	initializeMethod methodClass compile: instrumentedSource! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 19:47'!
restorePackage: aCategory 

	| splitted packageName tag |
	splitted := $- split: aCategory.
	packageName := splitted first.
	tag := $- join: splitted allButFirst. 
	packageName asPackage  definedClasses  select: [ :class | class tags includes: tag ] thenDo: [ :class | 
		self restoreClass: class
	]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 19:38'!
restoreClass: aClass 
	aClass methods do: [ :method | self restoreMethod: method ]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:56'!
instrumentClass: aClass 
	self instrumentInitializeMethodOfClass: aClass.
	aClass methods reject: [ :method | method selector = #initialize ] thenDo: [ :method | self instrumentMethod: method ]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 14:55'!
instrumentPackage: aCategory 
	| splitted packageName tag |
	splitted := $- split: aCategory.
	packageName := splitted first.
	tag := $- join: splitted allButFirst. 
	packageName asPackage  definedClasses  select: [ :class | class tags includes: tag ] thenDo: [ :class | 
		self instrumentClass: class
	]! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 16:46'!
instrumentMethod: aMethod

	| ast pragmas statements lastIsReturn statementsWithoutReturn instrumentedSource |

	self require: [ aMethod selector ~= #initialize ].
	instrumentedSource := String streamContents: [ :stream | 
		self putSignatureOfMethod: aMethod on: stream.
		ast := aMethod ast.
		pragmas := ast pragmas.
		self putSourceCodeOfPragmas: pragmas on: stream.
		self setAsInstrumentedOn: stream.
		self putTemporaryNamesOfAST: ast on: stream.
		statements := ast body statements.
		lastIsReturn := ast body lastIsReturn.
		self putRequireAssertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream.
		self putBeforeInvariantAssertionsOfMethod: aMethod on: stream.
		self putSetStatementsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream.
			ifTrue: [  
				statementsWithoutReturn := statements allButLast.
				self putSourceCodeOfStatements: statementsWithoutReturn on: stream.
				self putAfterInvariantAssertionsOfMeyhod: aMethod on: stream.
				self putEnsureAssertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream.
				self putReturnNodeFromStatements: statements on: stream ]
			ifFalse: [  
				self putSourceCodeOfStatements: statements on: stream.
				self putAfterInvariantAssertionsOfMeyhod: aMethod on: stream.
				self putEnsureAssertionsFromPragmas: pragmas on: stream.
			].		                       ].
	aMethod methodClass compile: instrumentedSource.

	! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'instrumenting' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 19:48'!
restoreMethod: aMethod 
	| rgMethod list sources before |
	(self isInstrumentedMethod: aMethod) ifFalse: [ ^self ].
	rgMethod := aMethod asRingDefinition asHistorical.
	list := (SourceFiles
		changeRecordsFrom: rgMethod sourcePointer
		className: rgMethod instanceSideParentName
		isMeta: rgMethod isMetaSide)
		collectWithIndex: [ :c :i | | rg |
			rg := c asRingDefinition.
			rg annotationNamed: #versionIndex put: i ].
	sources := list collect: #sourceCode.
	before := sources second.
	aMethod methodClass compile: before
	! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 16:48'!
setAsInstrumentedOn: stream 
	stream nextPutAll: '<instrumented>'.
	stream crtab 
	! !

!Instrumenter methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 12:17'!
	super initialize.
	Assertions all! !

AssertionViolation subclass: #InvariantViolation
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!

InvariantViolation subclass: #AfterInvariantViolation
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

AfterInvariantViolation class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!AfterInvariantViolation class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 11:29'!
block: aBlock 
	^ self new setMessageTextFromBlock: aBlock ! !

InvariantViolation subclass: #BeforeInvariantViolation
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

BeforeInvariantViolation class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!BeforeInvariantViolation class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 11:29'!
block: aBlock 
	^ self new setMessageTextFromBlock: aBlock ! !

AssertionViolation subclass: #RequireViolation
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core'!
Assertions initialize!TestCase subclass: #EnsureViolationTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core-Tests'!
!EnsureViolationTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
An EnsureViolationTest is a test class for testing the behavior of EnsureViolation!

!EnsureViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:07'!
	| answer |
	answer := 666.
	Assertions beEnsureLevel.
	self should: [
		self ensure: [  
			answer = 42	
	raise: EnsureViolation 
! !

TestCase subclass: #InstrumentationTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'class category'
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core-Tests'!

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 05:06'!

	| source initializeSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 42.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentPackage: category.  
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [  class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:56'!
	| source |
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	^ y

	class compile: source.
	Assertions instrumenter instrumentMethod: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:).
	self should: [  class new methodWithAssertions: -42 ] raise: RequireViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 13:27'!
	| initializeSource fooSource barSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<exclude: #bar>
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	z := 42

fooSource := '
	z := 666

barSource := '
	z := 666
	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: fooSource.
	class compile: barSource.
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentClass: class.
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self should: [ class new foo ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ class new bar ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:55'!

	| source initializeSource instrumenter |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.

	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 2. "Ensure violation"
	z := 666. "Invariant violation"
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	instrumenter := Assertions instrumenter.
	instrumenter beRequireLevel.
	instrumenter instrumentClass: class.
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self should: [ class new methodWithAssertions: -42 ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:55'!

	| source initializeSource instrumenter |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.

	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 2. "Ensure violation"
	z := 666. "Invariant violation"
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	instrumenter := Assertions instrumenter.
	instrumenter beEnsureLevel.
	instrumenter instrumentClass: class.
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self should: [ class new methodWithAssertions: -42 ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self should: [ class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: EnsureViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 19:35'!
	| source initializeSource formattedCode initializeFormattedSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 42.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	initializeFormattedSource := (class>>(class compile: initializeSource)) ast formattedCode.
	formattedCode := (class>>(class compile: source)) ast formattedCode.
	Assertions instrumenter instrumentClass: class. 
	Assertions instrumenter restoreClass: class.
	self assert: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:) ast formattedCode equals: formattedCode.
	self assert: (class>>#initialize) ast formattedCode equals: initializeFormattedSource.
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:56'!
	| source initializeSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithoutAssertions: x
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 0.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	Assertions instrumenter
		instrumentInitializeMethodOfClass: class;
		instrumentMethod: (class>>#methodWithoutAssertions:).
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self should: [  class new methodWithoutAssertions: 42 ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 13:51'!

	| initializeSource fooSource barSource bazSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<excludes: #(bar baz)>
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	z := 42

fooSource := '
	z := 666

barSource := '
	z := 666

bazSource := '
	z := 666

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: fooSource.
	class compile: barSource.
	class compile: bazSource.
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentClass: class.
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self should: [ class new foo ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ class new bar ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ class new baz ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 16:32'!

	| source initializeSource formattedCode initializeFormattedSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 42.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	initializeFormattedSource := (class>>(class compile: initializeSource)) ast formattedCode.
	formattedCode := (class>>(class compile: source)) ast formattedCode.
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentInitializeMethodOfClass: class;
		instrumentMethod: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:).
	Assertions instrumenter restoreMethod: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:).
	Assertions instrumenter restoreMethod: class>>#initialize.
	self assert: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:) ast formattedCode equals: formattedCode.
	self assert: (class>>#initialize) ast formattedCode equals: initializeFormattedSource.
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 05:05'!
	| source |
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 2.
	^ y

	class compile: source.
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentMethod: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:).
	self should: [  class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: EnsureViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 19:45'!

	| source initializeSource initializeFormattedSource formattedCode |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 42.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	initializeFormattedSource := (class>>(class compile: initializeSource)) ast formattedCode.
	formattedCode := (class>>(class compile: source)) ast formattedCode.
	Assertions instrumenter instrumentPackage: category.
	Assertions instrumenter restorePackage: category. 
	self assert: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:) ast formattedCode equals: formattedCode.
	self assert: (class>>#initialize) ast formattedCode equals: initializeFormattedSource. 
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 13:55'!

	| source initializeSource instrumenter |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.

	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1. 
	z := 666. "Invariant violation"
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	instrumenter := Assertions instrumenter.
	instrumenter beInvariantLevel.
	instrumenter instrumentClass: class.
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self should: [ class new methodWithAssertions: -42 ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self should: [ class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 04:56'!
	| source initializeSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 42.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentInitializeMethodOfClass: class;
		instrumentMethod: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:).
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [  class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 05:05'!
	| source initializeSource |
	initializeSource := '
	super initialize. 
	z := 41'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<set: #old_z to: ''z''>
	<ensure: ''z = (old_z + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := z + 666.
	^ y
	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.	
	Assertions instrumenter 
		instrumentMethod: (class>>#methodWithAssertions:).
	self should: [  class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: EnsureViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/7/2021 05:04'!
	| source initializeSource |
	initializeSource := '
	<invariant: ''z = 42''>
	super initialize. 
	z := 42'.
	source := '
methodWithAssertions: x
	<require: ''x > 0''>
	<ensure: ''y = (x + 1)''>
	| y |
	y := x + 1.
	z := 42.
	^ y

	class addInstVarNamed: 'z'.
	class compile: initializeSource.
	class compile: source.
	Assertions instrumenter
		instrumentClass: class. 
	self shouldnt: [ class new initialize ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [  class new methodWithAssertions: 42 ] raise: AfterInvariantViolation
	! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 12:03'!
	Smalltalk removeClassNamed: class name! !

!InstrumentationTest methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 14:52'!

	class := Object subclass: #ClassForInstrumentationTests.
	category := 'Assertions-Core-Tests-Temporary'.
	class category: category, 'Test'. 
	"Assertions all"! !

TestCase subclass: #InvariantViolationTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core-Tests'!
!InvariantViolationTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
An InvariantViolationTest is a test class for testing the behavior of InvariantViolation!

!InvariantViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 09:22'!
	| answer |
	answer := 42.
	self shouldnt: [  
		self invariants: {  
			[ answer isNotNil ].
			[ answer = 42 ].
		} for: [  
			answer := 42
	] raise: InvariantViolation  
	! !

!InvariantViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:09'!
	| answer |
	answer := 42.
	self should: [  
		self invariants: {  
			[ answer isNotNil ].
			[ answer = 42 ].
		} for: [  
			answer := 666
	] raise: AfterInvariantViolation ! !

!InvariantViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:07'!
	| answer |
	answer := 666.
	Assertions beInvariantLevel.
	self should: [
		self invariant: [ answer = 42 ] for: [  
			answer := 42	
	raise: BeforeInvariantViolation 
! !

!InvariantViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:07'!
	| answer |
	answer := 42.
	Assertions beInvariantLevel.
	self should: [
		self invariant: [ answer = 42 ] for: [  
			answer := 666	
	raise: AfterInvariantViolation 
! !

!InvariantViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 09:33'!
	| answer |
	answer := nil.
	self should: [  
		self invariants: {  
			[ answer isNotNil ].
			[ answer = 42 ].
		} for: [  
			answer := 42
	] raise: BeforeInvariantViolation 
	! !

!InvariantViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 14:42'!
	| answer |
	answer := 42.
	Assertions beInvariantLevel.
	self should: [
		self onlyAfterInvariant: [ answer = 42 ] for: [  
			answer := 666	
	raise: AfterInvariantViolation.
	answer := 666.
	self shouldnt: [
		self onlyAfterInvariant: [ answer = 42 ] for: [  
			answer := 42	
	raise: AfterInvariantViolation 
! !

TestCase subclass: #LevelsTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core-Tests'!

!LevelsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:22'!
	Assertions on.
	self should: [ self require: [ false ] ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self ensure: [ false ] ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariant: [ false ] for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariants: {[ false ]} for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!LevelsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:16'!
	Assertions off.
	self shouldnt: [ self require: [ false ] ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self ensure: [ false ] ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariant: [ false ] for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariants: {[ false ]} for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!LevelsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:17'!
	Assertions beRequireLevel.
	self should: [ self require: [ false ] ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self ensure: [ false ] ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariant: [ false ] for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariants: {[ false ]} for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!LevelsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:20'!
	Assertions beInvariantLevel.
	self should: [ self require: [ false ] ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self should: [ self ensure: [ false ] ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	self should: [ self invariant: [ false ] for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self should: [ self invariants: {[ false ]} for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!LevelsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:20'!
	Assertions all.
	self should: [ self require: [ false ] ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self should: [ self ensure: [ false ] ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	self should: [ self invariant: [ false ] for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self should: [ self invariants: {[ false ]} for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

!LevelsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 10/4/2021 10:19'!
	Assertions beEnsureLevel.
	self should: [ self require: [ false ] ] raise: RequireViolation.
	self should: [ self ensure: [ false ] ] raise: EnsureViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariant: [ false ] for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.
	self shouldnt: [ self invariants: {[ false ]} for: [  ] ] raise: InvariantViolation.! !

TestCase subclass: #RequireViolationTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Assertions-Core-Tests'!
!RequireViolationTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A RequireViolationTest is a test class for testing the behavior of RequireViolation!

!RequireViolationTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'chicoary 9/22/2021 13:25'!
	| answer |
	answer := 666.
	self should: [
		self require: [  
			answer = 42	
	raise: RequireViolation 
! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.956875 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:32'!
invariants: anInvariantList for: aCodeBlock 

	Assertions isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	anInvariantList do:  [ :invariant |  
		invariant value ifFalse: [ (BeforeInvariantViolation block: invariant) signal ]
	aCodeBlock value.
	anInvariantList do:  [ :invariant |  
		invariant value ifFalse: [ (AfterInvariantViolation block: invariant) signal ]
	]! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.95874 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:31'!
ensure: aBlock 
	Assertions isEnsureLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	aBlock value ifFalse: [ (EnsureViolation block: aBlock) signal ]
	! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.960244 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 13:27'!
require: aBlock
	Assertions isRequireLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	aBlock value ifFalse: [ (RequireViolation block: aBlock) signal ]! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.961374 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 13:28'!
afterInvariant: aBlock 
	Assertions isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	aBlock value ifFalse: [ (AfterInvariantViolation block: aBlock) signal ]! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.962193 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:31'!
invariant: aBlock for: aCodeBlock 
    Assertions isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	aBlock value ifFalse: [ (BeforeInvariantViolation block: aBlock) signal ].
   aCodeBlock value.
   aBlock value ifFalse: [ (AfterInvariantViolation block: aBlock) signal ].! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.963129 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/5/2021 13:28'!
beforeInvariant: aBlock 
	Assertions isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
	aBlock value ifFalse: [ (BeforeInvariantViolation block: aBlock) signal ]! !
'From Pharo9.0.0 of 17 September 2021 [Build information: Pharo-9.0.0+build.1549.sha.eae2e955c11d5c166543f2fc903c4bccf3e2b8f4 (64 Bit)] on 7 October 2021 at 7:55:34.964051 pm'!

!Object methodsFor: '*Assertions' stamp: 'chicoary 10/6/2021 11:33'!
onlyAfterInvariant: aBlock for: aCodeBlock 
    Assertions isInvariantLevel ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
    aCodeBlock value.
    aBlock value ifFalse: [ (AfterInvariantViolation block: aBlock) signal ]
   ! !

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